
igniting my creativity

*for necessary background information, read my last post.

after my minor life freakout and words of advice from the people who know me better than even i do, i've decided to challenge myself to write creatively again. but! i haven't done that in far too long and i'm afraid that it's not like riding a bike. i think i've forgotten how.

so, expert googler that i am, i found an amazing (/ slightly corny?) website that provides 346 creative writing prompts. which brings me to the challenge. i double-dog-dared myself to complete all 346 within the next year. i countered: the time limit is negotiable, but i will finish them all.

number 1 is soon to follow. i challenge you to join me!

*added disclaimer: these are likely to be rambling and shitty while i try to figure out what the hell my voice actually is. bear with me.

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